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GHANA: $49 million line of credit for drinking water projects in Damongo

GHANA: $49 million line of credit for drinking water projects in Damongo©rdonar/Shutterstock

The Ghanaian government has recently received additional funding for the implementation of drinking water projects, following the opening of a $276 million line of credit by Deutsche Bank in 2019 for drinking water in Tamale. On this occasion, it is a $49 million line of credit opened by UK Export Finance (Ukef) and Deutsche Bank. With this other investment, the Ghanaian government now has funds to install drinking water pipes in the city of Damongo.

Since 2005, getting water has been a major challenge for the inhabitants of Damongo. There is a water supply system in Damongo. It is based on pumping water from an irrigation dam. But the system is no longer in operation due to “recurrent” water leaks resulting from adverse weather conditions. Rehabilitation of the dam will allow the supply of water to the Yapei drinking water treatment plant. The work will be carried out by the company Biwater. Currently, the average water demand at Damongo is about 8,800 m³ per day.

The British company Biwater will also lay the drinking water pipes at Damongo. They will serve to meet the water needs of the city’s 68,000 people and the surrounding communities (Yipala, Banyasi, Ntereso, Fulfoso, Sumpini, Busunu, Kebiesu, Tailorpe, Alhassan Kura, Jonokponto, Achubunyo, Soalepe, Canteen, Frafra, Boroto and Nabori) until 2040.

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