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MALI: WaterAid and RJEPA to award best press articles on water issues

MALI: WaterAid and RJEPA to award best press articles on water issues ©Richard Juilliart/Shutterstock

Raising public awareness and reaching political decision-makers. These are two major missions that WaterAid recognizes in the media. In Mali, the international non-governmental organization (NGO) wants to put this power to good use in the fight for universal access to water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH). This explains the partnership signed with the West African country’s Network of Journalists for the Promotion of Drinking Water (RJEPA). Together, the two organizations have launched a competition to reward the best press articles on water issues in Mali.“In Mali, 3.7 million people still don’t have clean water close to their homes, 11.2 million people still don’t have decent toilets, and nearly 4,700 children under the age of five die every year from diarrhea”, laments WaterAid.

The competition has been open since February 6, 2024 to all Malian print, radio and TV journalists. The content presented will have to focus on three specific themes, namely, the challenges and solutions for access to drinking water and sanitation, the importance of hygiene for public health, and the role of the media in promoting Wash.

“Water, hygiene and sanitation are at the heart of development in all sectors. We therefore want to rely more on the media to raise public awareness and make our voice heard by political authorities and decision-makers”, confides Tidiane Diallo, Country Director of WaterAid, which works to improve access to the Wash for the poorest and most marginalized populations around the world, with a view to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6) by 2030.

Journalists interested in the competition have until March 20, 2024 to apply. Articles and reports can be submitted online or by post. Numerous prizes will be awarded to the best entries, giving Malian journalists the chance to showcase their work and contribute to a positive change in attitudes and strategies concerning access to basic services.

Inès Magoum

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